Sunday, November 4, 2007

Curriculum Vitae Tips for email sendig

How to write and send Curriculum Vitae (Resume) by email? What kind of subject is it possible to choose while you are sending your CV? Tips and advices for curriculum vitae email sending. What untune recruiters when recieve email? Answers for these questions you can find in artlicle Curriculum Vitae Email Tips . Example of resume (curriculum vitae) you can find in Curriculum Vitae Example article.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Job Career Management

We founded new category on Acesta . This category is specialized to Job Career . Articles in category Job Career Management will be directed to problems of career. The topics in our job category are:

  • Career audit
  • Job career planning
  • Career goals
  • Job career management

The first article Career management is talking about your job career situation, about steps for successful career planning and job goals.