Monday, November 10, 2008

Cover letter example Marketing manager

New Cover letter sample on sever is for job positions marketing manager or Brand manager. It is cover letter for marketing professionals in company side and for advertising agencies employees too. It is very important to put emphasis on marketing experiences in services or in good (fmcg, toys or etc.) .

Complete motivation letter to find good marketing job you can see on Cover Letter Sample Marketing Manager.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sample CV (resume) for Senior Accountant job position

On server ( we published new article for job seakers. It is article Resume for Chief Accountant, Senior Accountant, Finance Controller, Finance Auditor.

If you wish to be successful in job search process to position Senior Accountant, Auditor, Controller or Chief Accountant you should read our article with sample of resume (Curriculum Vitae) .

Comments for article - Senior Accountant Resume (CV) Example Comments
Add comment to CV sample article

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Senior Project Manager CV (resume) sample

The next sample of Curriculum Vitae, Resume is designed for job position Senior Project Manager or for job positions Program Manager or Portfolio Manager.
To have success-full CV for this positions it is very important to describe your work expiriences and knowledge of Project management methodologies, for example Prince2, PMI or IMPA and certifications for this methodologies.
More about successfull curriculum vitae you can see on Project Manager Senior CV (Resume) Example

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Resume samle for job position Sales Representative

Are you or do you want to have a job Sales Representative, Sales Executive or Account Representative?
We have Curriculum Vitae Template for your job - Sales Representative Resume (CV) Example.
The more important part of Sales Representative Sample CV is Employment history, where you have to describe company, concrete product and sales activities, business client.

For next article we prepare Sample of CV for Marketing Manager.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Executive Assistant Resume Sample

The new article on server is the next sample of curriculum vitae, sample of Executive Assistant job position resume.
Are you working as Executive Assistant and Do you want to change your job and your employer? Do you want to word as Executive Assistant? Will you finish your studies and will you start your career as Assistent job? If you answered to previous questions yes minimally one times, you have to see Executive Assistant Curriculum Vitae Example .

Other resume (CV) samples on Acesta in category Curriculum Vitae, Resume:

Monday, March 17, 2008

J2EE programmer cover letter example

The new example of our cover letter templates is Cover letter for JAVA developer (J2EE sw engineer).
In continuity to Programmer (Software Engineer) Curriculum Vitae Example we offer to readers. Java Engineers are very demanded on labour market in USA, in Canada and in the whole Europe too. And for applicant for JAVA job position we published Cover Letter Sample JAVA Programmer.

Other Cover Letter articles on Acesta

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Curriculum Vitae Sample for Programmer (SW Architect)

We are continuing in publishing of curiculum vitae samples (resume). The last our curriculum vitae sample is appointed to programmers, software developers a other applicants for job in SW and information systems developement.
What is important for Curriculum Vitae Writing for Information Technology you know yet and in this time we have article especially for software engineers - Programmer (Software Engineer) Curriculum Vitae Example.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

System Engineer Curriculum Vitae Template

General templates and samples for curriculum vitae writing we can see a lot of, but real templates or examples for concrete job position are less. now offer model example of curriculum vitae for
System Engineers and tips for writing curriculum vitae (resume) for information technology: